Wednesday, April 19, 2006

No, it Only Looks Like the Onion

Today brings another example of the sort of mistake a blogger might make, but wouldn't make it past the multiple layers of fact-checking employed by the mainstream media. It's from the Washington Post's free daily the Express.

Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English portour, from Middle French porteour, from Late Latin portator, from Latin portare to carry
1 : a person who carries burdens; especially : one employed to carry baggage for patrons at a hotel or transportation terminal
2 : a parlor-car or sleeping-car attendant who waits on passengers and makes up berths

Do you think the Post is trying to say that he's going to be the administration's bag man?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who can focus on the story with that scary, evil looking fellow in the margin above? I think that's how the editor's missed it.