Thursday, July 06, 2006

Contrasting Views in Mexico

This is from Reforma, a moderate-to-conservative Mexico City daily:

The text reads 'Just when you thought you were safe!' AMLO is of course, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador - candidated of the PRD.

This is from La Jornada - Mexico's labor-left daily:

It references AMLO's demand for a recount, which is illegal except for 'inconsistencies' (more detail here). The evil guy is delivering a ballot box to Carlos Ugalde, head of the IFE. The text reads "We found a stash of very consistent votes; they're the ones we're making so AMLO is given up for dead.'

Yes, subtlety is the wit of political cartoons.

By the way, with the count of 300 district committees now completed, Calderon is reported to have topped AMLO by .57%.

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